On Saturday, we had an event in a town just North of Austin. We had the day scheduled out perfectly...I mean from the start to the end of the day. Remember, our night ended with bacon madness. We headed North and we were to arrive at the wedding we were serving at 6pm sharp. We crossed over the railroad tracks and bam--Tire busted, blown, in pieces. Crushing. E and I just looked at eachother and I said, "shit...we have to undo the trailer and haul bootay over to the church." We walked into the church as if nothing crushing just occurred. E went to fix the flat and in the midst the trailer fell off the jack and put a hole the size of Mars into the bottom of the trailer. I served the ice to the people that were dying of heat because the church had to be 1000 degrees inside. Horrible.
E fixed it, came to pick me up and we stopped, so I could grab a tall boy to drink whilst E was driving. I was stressed and wanted to act like a bit of a white trash broad for five minutes. As we drove down the road about three miles, bam--Tire busted, blown, in pieces. No lie. We had two blowouts within two hours of eachother, within three miles of eachother, on a Saturday night, 40 miles from our house, 40 miles from our city and friends, 45 miles from the bacon party. Crushing.
We immediately pulled onto a side street and it was getting dark, so I wouldn't let E go about changing the flat especially because he didn't have a spare...because remember...we already used the spare and that's the tire that just busted. So- I saw some people up the street and decided that I was going to tell them we were leaving our trailer and would be back the next day to fix it. Walked over, smelt like a tall boy and spoke to the nice people and realized it was Hope Center- AA (as in Alcoholics Anonymous). Horrible. Horrible. This guy probably wanted to punch me in the face for having beer breath. Alas, he was kosher with us leaving the trailer.
Long story shorter, we went on Sunday and realized the axle had moved and there was no way E could change the tire and not have another flat, so we left a sign on the POS and headed home.
I met a tow trucker there the next morning. I must add this was the least white trash tow trucker I had ever seen...I mean, clean cut with a vneck tee. He was great. I thought the trailer was going to fall off the bed of the tow truck.
We went to the trailer place, I yelled at the owner, the owner cussed me out and now the trailer is getting fixed. It was a long Saturday that was oh-so-stressful, but we at least enjoyed bacon, booze and friends into the wee hours of the night.
What gives in owning a business? I feel there is ALWAYS something going on and going wrong. This is the life we choose and positive is how I must live.