Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Day 11: New Year's Resolutions

2010 is almost over, crazy! I am ready for a new year. It's always refreshing to start anew, have new goals and a new mindset.
I am not one to set New Year's Resolutions. I prefer to set "focus" areas. I like to realize there are many things I need to change and focus on those changes, but not necessarily set a resolution. Does that make sense? I think people tend to set resolutions and most are pretty bummed by the end of the year when those resolutions aren't fulfilled. I don't want to be bummed come December 2011!
Here are some of my Focus Areas for 2011:
-Appreciate and give Thanks. I love my E and I love everything he does for me, but I know for a fact there are many occasions I am a brat and don't show it. I need to work on that.
-Be proud, stand tall and begin having a positive outlook on who I am. Being a woman is tough. In the future, we want to have children (yea, I know I finally said it) and I feel one must love themselves 100% in order to love their spouse\partner and children. This will be a big task, but something I will focus throughout 2011.
-Stop NAGGING! I think this is just a woman thing...I don't know, but I think I nag too much.
-Don't worry, be happy! I worry about dumb things. Seriously. I worry about my duvet cover being wrinkled. I worry about the little tiny stains on our carpet. I worry about money. I worry about stuff that I shouldn't worry about. GET REAL, JULEZ. Add it to the list...
-Love. Love everyone around me and show it.
These are the main focuses for 2011 and I am sure the list will grow, but acknowledging is the first step. Conquering is the last.

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